
Brief description of the issue
In the Gaspé and the Magdalen Islands, boys as young as five years old are lagging behind in terms of their emotional development maturity (Direction de santé publique Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine, 2017). At the age of 7 years old, when girls are able to find multiple synonyms to many emotions such as happy, sad, or angry, boys can only find more synonyms than girls to “anger” (BBC, 2018). This situation is very concerning, and it shows we must start to teach emotional literacy at a very early age.
By learning about emotional literacy and how to express their needs, children build a healthy sense of self-awareness. They must learn to read emotions. In other words, we need to teach emotional literature to children so that they can develop better interpersonal skills. Recognizing and then verbalizing emotions will help children to understand them. Beginning in early childhood, we must help children to develop greater emotional agility using simple techniques to calm down after feeling an intense emotion, whether positive or negative (Jasmin Roy Foundation, 2019).
The Jasmin Roy Foundation created three short videos educators can use with children to teach them how to find calm, emotional balance and a total well-being. You can watch the videos on their website or just below:
If you want to limit the time young children spend in front of a screen, which is a very good idea, think of learning the strategies yourself and teach them to your children on your own.
DIRECTION DE SANTÉ PUBLIQUE GASPÉSIE–ÎLES-DE-LA-MADELEINE (2017). Le développement des enfants gaspésiens et madelinots à la maternelle, Gouvernement du Québec, accessible at: https://www.cisss-gaspesie.gouv.qc.ca/images/Statistiques_regionales/Le_d%C3%A9veloppement_des_enfants_gasp%C3%A9siens_et_madelinots_%C3%A0_la_maternelle_-_EQDEM_2017.pdf
JASMIN ROY FOUNDATION (2019). Emotional literacy and needs in early childhood, accessible at: https://fondationjasminroy.com/en/initiative/emotional-literacy-and-needs-in-early-childhood/