To make students aware of the impact of gender stereotypes in order to become free of them and to free others.
Brief description of the issue
Youth with the highest buy-in of gender stereotypes are the ones who drop out of school the most (CSÉ, 1999). In order to foster school retention, healthy relationships between boys and girls as well as everyone’s well-being at school, it is important to facilitate activities specifically created to break down gender stereotypes with children.
Cushioning the impact is a learning and evaluation situation (LES) created by the LGBT Family Coalition for the Ethics and religious culture course (1st cycle).
Videos needed to facilitate the activity are accessible below:
You can download the activity document directly on the LGBT Family Coalition website or in the documents section below.
Definitions of Concepts Central to the Understanding of Social Justice
File size: 453 KB (application/pdf)
Cushioning the impact - Evaluation grid
File size: 137 KB (application/pdf)
Cushioning the impact - The impact of gender stereotypes
File size: 194 KB (application/pdf)
Cushioning the impact - Masculine and feminine
File size: 110 KB (application/pdf)
Cushioning the impact - Expressions and stereotypes
File size: 129 KB (application/pdf)
Cushioning the impact - Lesson Plan
File size: 163 KB (application/pdf)