Sex Ed Toolkit


Ensure that students are given factual information in a straightforward and honest manner ;
Give students an opportunity to engage with the information, enabling them to make the best decision for themselves ;
Allow educators to familiarise themselves with teaching communication, relationships and sexual health issues in the classroom in order to empower educators and student decision making.
Sex Ed Toolkit

Brief description of the issue

In the context of the reintroduction of a sexuality education program, teachers are often looking for tools to help them achieve the learning goals of the program. As sexuality education isn’t a school subject in itself and is all teachers’ responsibility. In order to achieve this and because time is scarce for teachers, sexuality education can be combined with your subject’s goals.

Keeping this in mind, the ACCM has put together many sexuality education learning activities that are rooted in different subjects such as English Language Arts, Ethics and Religious Culture, History and Civilization, Mathematics and Science and Technology. Quebec’s sexuality education program covers a lot of broad areas, and one of them is Identity, Gender Stereotypes and Roles, and Social Norms. In line with our project, we selected the activities targeted at breaking down gender stereotypes, but you can find many more activities on the Sex Ed Toolkit’s website:

English Language Arts
Ethics and Religious Culture
History and Civilization