
Brief description of the issue
It is vital that the children we care for, at work and at home, are happy and healthy and reach their potential. But sometimes society limits what children can do, be and become. Some limits are obvious and for good reason. Others are subtle and unjust, and may even mean children growing up less happy, confident and self-assured than they should be (Zero Tolerance, 2013).
A Scottish charity called Zero Tolerance, which is working to tackle the causes of men’s violence against women, produced a guide to help childcare professionals respect gender equality in the early years. Although it is meant for Scottish childcare’s context, many ideas for practice can be reused in a Canadian context.
ZERO TOLERANCE (2013). Just like a child: Respect gender equality in the early years, accessible online at: https://www.zerotolerance.org.uk/resources/Just-Like-a-Child.pdf