Inclusive Sex Ed Language Presentation


Provide teachers with vocabulary about gender diversity in order to teach inclusive sexuality education lessons.
Inclusive Sex Ed Language Presentation

Brief description of the issue

Talking about sexuality education with students can sometimes feel uncomfortable for teachers and for some students too. We all have different experiences that can influence how we react to certain topics. Also, our perception of sexuality is strongly influenced by gender stereotypes and a binary vision of gender. To make sure all students (of all genders and body anatomies – e.g. intersex youth) feel comfortable talking about a sometimes touchy subject, it is important to avoid reinforcing gender stereotypes when we teach.

Through the development of its sexuality education website and resources, the ACCM developed a presentation about inclusive sex ed language in order to better serve LGBTQIA+ youth. It’s all available on its website and can be very useful for teachers who want to be inclusive when they teach sexuality education.

Click on this link to download the resources.