Teaching sexual health


Support teachers in the facilitation of sexuality education activities ;
Transmit reliable and evidence-based information ;
Bring students to reflect on basic knowledge, but also on know-how and soft skills ;
Put an inclusive discourse on sexuality forward to make all students feel welcomed, no matter what their needs are ;
Allow youth to make informed decisions on their sexual life.
Teaching sexual health

Brief description of the issue

In the context of the reintroduction of a sexuality education program, teachers are often looking for tools to help them achieve the learning goals of the program. Furthermore, we observe many benefits among students who have been exposed to a positive and comprehensive discourse (basic knowledge, know-how and soft skills) (FQPN, 2018):

  • Decreasing of unsafe sexual relations;
  • Better capacity to make decisions on their own, despite peer pressure;
  • Decreased number of sex partners (less pressure to perform);
  • Higher frequency of safe sex (condom);
  • Decrease in unintended pregnancies and STIs;
  • Better sense of satisfaction in regard to first sexual experiences.

In this context, sexuality education can help develop a critical thought in face of various sexual practices, but it can also reduce the endorsement of gender stereotypes and foster gender-equal and harmonious relationships, free from violences (FQPN, 2018).

Teachingsexualhealth.ca is an innovative website developed by Alberta educators and health professionals. We offer up-to-date, evidence-based information and strategies for teachers and educators teaching the Alberta Education Human Sexuality curriculum and for parents of children from birth up to 18 years of age.