Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-Kina’muemk


Teaching about the Mi’gmaq in a gender-inclusive way ;
Exploring traditional gender role in the Mi’gmaw society ;
Teaching students how to express their emotions and feelings.
Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-Kina’muemk

Brief description of the issue

When looking at gender stereotypes in Mi’gmaw communities, one must acknowledge that there are specific stereotypes at the intersection of gender and ethnicity: gender stereotypes associated with Mi’gmaw boys and girls are ingrained in colonialism. Therefore, it is important to teach about traditional Mi’gmaw gender roles and to break down sexist and racist stereotypes at the same time.

Along with a team of Mi’gmaw educators, the Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre has developed a curriculum resource to help educators teaching about the Mi’gmaq. As stated on their website, “the resource was designed for anyone who teaches Mi’kmaw history, culture and knowledge. Through the stories and knowledge of Mi’kmaw Elders, educators, and other experts, this volume will share content and teaching strategies for three subject areas for grades primary to nine:

  • Welo’ltimk – Healing
  • Kejitasimkewey Kiskuk – Contemporary Issues
  • Netukulimk – Economic, Social, and Political Life”

The Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre will be a meaningful and dynamic centre for Mi’kmaw people, and for visitors from across Nova Scotia, Canada and the world. Therefore, the curriculum resource focuses on the Mi’gmaq of this part of Mi’gma’gi, put many cultural teachings can also apply to students from Gespe’gewa’gi.

You can find the resource in both French and English in the Documents section below. Click here to access the supplementary materials that come with the English guide!